Beauty From The Black
Beauty From The Black
Yes, you are not broken
After falling down hard
You can evolve
Just like the beauty from the black
The breakers are coming
One after another
To break you down
Still, You have to keep moving
Believe in the guiding light
Keep faith alive in your heart
If You can't change the direction of the wind
Choose to sail with that
Just like an oyster full of hope
style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">You have to thrive and re-bloom
One day you heal
Other day you don't
One day you are trying to fight hard
Other day people are trying to break you apart
It's just okay, to not be okay
Healing happens slowly in layers,
Not in a single day
I hope...
Someday you will heal and grow again
Someday, you will glance at yourself
And see the reflection of a better person