Act Fast
Act Fast

'Ma'...she cries
'Someone is choking me
I can feel the air being
squeezed out of my lungs.
My eyes cannot see
am I turning blind?
My throat hurts so bad
swallowing becomes
more and more difficult
Am I about to die?'
Ma replies...
"No my child, symptoms
you have described is
due to the polluted air
we inhale, enveloping us
Your vision is dimming
because of the heavy smog
curtain dropped from the skies
All man made and I am helpless;
crying myself hoarse telling
the authorities to take cognizance
of environmental pollution
that i
s killing our children,
and the elderly who are now
too scared to step outside"
Child answers back...
"Then Ma it's time for me to write
to the authorities asking them,
is it fair to rob oxygen supply
God given for entire mankind
I'll also ask what kind of world
will they be leaving for us
Walking on the streets with masks
Oxygen cylinders strapped to our backs
I'm sure this will strike a cord
in their hard hearts, prompt
them to take action fast".
Overwhelmed by the child's response
both hugged and together cried
realizing the enormity of their plight.